Thursday 31 March 2011

April Fools!

April Fools day is here! Prank your friends! My post is so short, lol, because I don't want to post.


Saturday 26 March 2011


I'm at my friend's house, and she really likes me being here. I even screamed and jumped up and down. She said it was annoying lol :)
Today is her Birthday Party, and did you know? Her mom brought us 11 kids to the Cinema! We watched Sucker Punch. 5 girls want to fight for freedom, and 4 died. One, Sweet Pea, didn't die and she went on to her family. It was a sad story, with many people dying. Some because of knives, swords, pistols and daggers.

-Shudder- Today is Earth Hour for me  But I don't know, maybe we can watch some movies?


Wednesday 16 March 2011

Earth Hour!

Earth hour is an hour we dedicate to our planet, the Earth for just one hour in one day in one year! Yay Earth Hour! 

Earth Hour is on 27th March every year. We turn off lights, turn of switches and computers. Nothing should be switched on! It happens at 8.30 at night, but you can go earlier and end earlier. If you still don't want to, you can go to a friend's home and be with him/her there instead! I love Earth Hour. 

I have a link to a funny caramelcat123 Earth Hour video! Here it is:

Hope you like it! Earth Hour can also be used to get the bond with you and your family closer. In the dark with a candle that is lighted, we can chat and talk about our inner secrets or about anything. Be sure to have "Lights Out" on Earth Hour that can help the Earth! Yay! I can't wait! Now can you wait? :3

I hate Justin Bieber!!!

Just like the title. I hate him! (This blog is random) For people who like him, no offence. :3
If you hate him, i have a list. I hate him because:   

1. He sounds like a GIRL. Of course!!
2. He sings about GIRLS. Sing something else, perv.
3. His Music.
4. A lot of GIRLS love him
5. His hair Flip
6. He doesn't know what "German" means.
7. His intials: J.B. He's not Jonas Brothers, is he?
8.His Letter to the People Who Listen to Heavy Metal
9. None of His Songs Hit #1
10. His Smile
There are more reasons to Hate Justin Bieber! Look it up on the Google, or Yahoo! There are more, trust me. I support you Christina Brown! For her blog, go to:

Why can't i give Justin a cup of garbage coffee? Ugh. He's a loser, comparing to Celine Dion or Hilary Duff. People, Hilary Duff and Celine Dion or Charice IS WAY BETTER. Their songs are like not about boys, they're mainly about the world, justice, faith and courage. That's the songs i like. 

Thursday 10 March 2011


This is my first post ever, and please keep in mind, it's all nothing to do with anything. I can post anything I want, because it's random. So I hope you all will like it, although it's random :)

Thanks for visiting!!